Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today I'm wearing the same jeans for the third time in a row.

No reason really.

I went on three trips in April, and am still living out of a few suitcases, so it might be because i couldn't find anything else to wear.

Although, that's not entirely true, i have a lot of jeans. You know how you have to be in a certain mood for certain jeans? Monday i was in the mood for these jeans, and Tuesday i couldn't be bothered to change my mood, and, now it's Wednesday and I've established momentum. So, i can't stop here.

I've got momentum without a source of motivation. Maybe this is what they mean by living in the moment. You just learn to stop evaluating what mood your in to match your jeans all the time. Wear the same damn jeans all the time and just live.

If you do this, be sure you have superfabulous jeans. My choice this week are my Taverniti So jeans. The only pair of jeans i have ever splurged on. Once you start dabbling in the $100 + price point for jeans, it can go downhill fast. Soon, you won't even wince at plunking $599 for a pair. This is momentum i will refrain from establishing until i build up the momentum needed to push me into another income bracket. Maybe that is why i keep wearing these Taverniti jeans. I gotta get my money's worth.

1 comment:

Tonia Conger said...

I LOVE these jeans. I bet you look like a million bucks in them! Is that your money's worth?