Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The chills of stupidity

This is that painfully awkward feeling you get when you witness people unintentionally making complete fools of themselves.

The early episodes of American Idol give me really bad chills of stupidity. Anyone on Deal or No Deal does this too.

Here's the thing, it's unintentional. So, it makes me wonder how often I prompt chills of stupidity in others.

One time, in a company-wide meeting, the CEO used an analogy to explain the deliciously unexpected benefits received from a corporate initiative. He said "the rest is gravy." And before I knew it, i shouted "Ga raaa veee" like a Southern Baptist says "amen" after a inspirational sermon.

I get chills of stupidity just thinking about it.


Tonia Conger said...

oh, I miss you!

Anonymous said...

no worries. it was a classic Amie moment. without those, work would be much more boring!