Friday, March 21, 2008

Alphabet Soup

Tonia tagged me to share some alphabet soup.

The bits specified below were conceived “in the moment.” While many are solid, some will change in another moment.

A-Attached or single? Attached to Mr. Johnson

B-Best friend? Baby Girl Thompson, Mom, Micquelle

C-Cake or pie? “Cake or death?” Eddie Izzard! I’ll have the chicken please!

D-Day of choice? Daring myself to “live in the moment,” so technically, everyday is choice. Except Monday, the collected wisdom of the world’s most brilliant zen-do-spoon-bending gurus couldn’t fix Monday.

E-Essential item? Every kind of lip balm

F-Favorite color? For now, it’s gold

G-Gummy bears or worms? Gooey teddys

H-Hometown? Hoped it would be further away: kaysville, utah

I-Favorite indulgence? Ice cream

J-January or July? July (If the government can change Daylight Savings, why can’t they just vote January off the calendar)

K-Kids? Kids are great!

L-Life isn't complete without? Lots of roots

M-Marriage date? Memorable: Feb. 25, 1999

N-Number of brothers and sisters? Never a sister, just three brothers

O-Oranges or apples? Only Granny Smith.

P-Phobia and fears? Pervasive enough to merit meds.

Q-Quote? Quotation: the act of repeating erroneously the words of another. Ambrose Bierce - The Devil's Dictionary

R-Reason to smile? Rare people and the regular ones that make them stand out

S-Season of choice? Summer

T-Tag three people: Tag Kristin! (I’ll think of 2 more in a bit)

U- Unknown fact about me? Unabridged Amie is interesting, but takes more time to read.

V-Vegetable? Variety!

W-Worst habit? Worry, fear, and doubt

X-X-ray or ultrasound? Xtremely weird choice here

Y-Your favorite food? Yes! Food! All of it!

Z-Zodiac sign? Virgo

1 comment:

Tonia Conger said...

Oh, how I love the idea of an unabridged version of Amie. I would soo soo read that novel! AND, I'd get the Cliff notes.