Monday, December 22, 2008

TP report on Tissue - part one

I'll have to deliver this concept via a series of posts. I want to (hopefully) convey the details without overwhelming you with details. Both incidences occurred in a matter of hours.

Here's a little bit of "detail Din" on tissue. I'll follow up on toilet paper (TP) Din in the next post. Strange series? Not really if you hear me out on why you should take a lesson from this segment of the TP report on tissue.

Last week. I had a bad chills of stupidity moment at work. Right when I thought I'd contained the awkward juju with no visible evidence of distress, a coworker asked if I was OK. Apparently, I'm not that good at masking stress. I'll spare you the details.

Unruffled, she opened her purse, pulled out a little packet of tissue, then distributed sheets and listened while I soaked them up one by one.

People often ask when speaking in public, "what do i do with my hands?" Great presenters pay attention to the details. It never occurred to me that the same is true when listening to someone blubber too. You will never avoid this experience in your life. So go buy a packet of pocket tissues for you and your friends this holiday season.

Think carrying tissue is awkward? I can hear it now:

"Guys don't carry tissues!" (This is probably why guys also have a reputation for being insensitive.)
"Tissues are for blue-haired grannies!"

Take a queue from the fashionably forward grrls and fellas who carry fabulous handbags, kewl urban backpacks, and streamlined messenger bags and accessorize with a packet of tissues to suite your style. This site has the gamut!

I might get a set this set to match my iPhone decal.

Go neutral. Get a Swiss pack!

Make someone laugh with these monkeys!


psilly said...

I'll be the first to admit I was hooked at the prospect of watching Amie broach the taboo subject of pottie talk.

Even as the post unfolded (haha), my mind couldn't let go of odd+toilet and I found it wandering down memory corridors of being greeted by young Tokyo women passing out tissue packets on my arrival by train.

chris howard said...

hey, you're only a grannie if you tuck that tissue under your bra strap for easy retrieval.

Anonymous said...

Awww. AGJ. You know that tissue is a staple for people who are living (rather than simply existing)?

Carrying tissue awkward? No way. I used to carry a "box" of Kleenex into my weekly meeting with AO.


Yeah, that's the best part. I actually find it funny now. :)

And, one day, you will too.

Tonia Conger said...

Amie, I vow to bring kleenex with me every time we hand out. That would require, however, that we actually hang out!!
Wanna do lunch soon? This week?