Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I admit it...

I've been a bit blue lately. It took me a week to realize that I just might be having serious withdrawal. THIS movie scene has been playing in my mind over and over (I can't believe i found it!) After a thorough daydream analysis, I have deduced that the Baby in this scene represents my friends at a place that starts with "B" where I used to spend a lot of time. In the daydream analysis, I represent the crook on the left. Cause he's such a dork! So excited about what he's got until he realizes what he's left behind. Only, I'm not going to race back to the baby. I'm just screaming. I miss you guys!


Anonymous said...

hey amie...we miss u 2.

Kristin said...

Amie! We have been blue around here without you too. I find myself trying to make noise during the day just to remind everyone we're still in this together. It's just not the same as hearing you laughing over the wall. Hope "N" knows what a gem they got!!

Unknown said...

I am going to miss the IM's that read -

Are you there?
Hello God...
It's me Margarett

Anonymous said...

I didn't even get to see you everyday and i'm playing the missing game too. We DO feel like babies in the middle of the road.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're alive, you totally went off the grid! I thought at least you'd have a clever response for my limerick! ;)

Good luck with everything, Prague is going to bite without you to lead the charge! Maybe we ought to get the gang together for a Christmas lunch or something...

Anonymous said...

I think the baby represents the relationship between us. We are both screaming since that is something that we feel is lost.

However, all we need to do is find it again in a different spot than before.

Anonymous said...

Going into the holidays without an Amie just isn't very merry. Yes it's December and we're still missing you.
Hope you're enjoying the freezingcoldness.