Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cat Tales - Eau de Toilette

I just looked in the toilet. I know, TMI, but this gets even better.

I saw what I thought was mold around the waterline. I thought this was strange. I just scrubbed it this weekend. I grabbed the toilet cleaner and brush, leaned in get a better look. That "mold" was a bunch of little muddy kitty paw prints.

Gross! What the hell. I've never heard of this. But apparently it is quite common. Just Google "cat drinks from toilet" and check out the images. I love this one. This one too.

Here's what concerns me. We desert dwellers have a saying, "if it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down."

90% of the time, our toilet is "mellowing," in order to conserve water. I wonder if this will damage the cat. They say a cats mouth is the most filthy thing in the world. This is probably why.

It made me think of this movie I saw when I lived in England years ago. We were on a family trip in Illfracomb, a beach town on the coast. Typical, it was raining. England has something like 4 TV channels so, nothing was on. My brother and I settled on this French (or English? i can't remember), movie about a man and a woman (maybe he was French, she was English) in this erotically dysfunctional relationship. The woman has reached her break point and is leaving him. He begs her to stay, professing his deep love for her. She denies, says he's lying. To prove his love, he drinks her urine out of the bedpan. We nearly hucked our crumpets.

i reckon this is another proof point of Anton's deep love for us, even though it's a really fu..-ed-up way of showing it. In a way, I return this love by scooping out his kitty litter every week. That is both urine and feces so, I think love's scale is balanced on this one.

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