Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What kind of snowflake are you?

A friend of mine has The Little Book of Snowflakes on his desk. It’s chocked full of micrographs of snowflakes. As I recall from elementary school, each snowflake is unique in all the world. Which made me think of unique humans, which led to K. and I closing our eyes, visualizing a coworker, then opening the book to see if the snowflake matched the person.

It works! (A little creative latitude is needed). Snowflakes not only exemplify appearance, but these little crystal gems communicate personality archetypes like openness, sharpness, narrow-mindedness, straightforwardness etc.

See if you agree. I’ve matched the celebrity to the snowflake below (count at top - left to right, then bottom - left to right).

1. Angelina Jolie

2. Victoria Beckham

3. Lucy Liu

4. Kelly Osborne

5. Vanilla Ice

6. Cate Blanchette

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