Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ivan the Stinky Hurricane

When I started this blog, I hoped to document the poignant parts of life. Discuss politics, religion, green living, useful life management techniques, practical business advice, recipes, smart dressing, etc.

I have achieved none of the above. I don't post regularly. I don't write posts that build upon a theme. I don't categorize anything. I don’t comment on other blogs. I don't ask questions to engage readers. I don't have readers. I don't have a blog theme. This really has become The Din. It’s pure drivel.

The thing is, I just kinda like the daily filler. The side dishes. The stuff that is so good, it’s forgettable. It makes all day long better.

This random bit of IM Din is good if you need an idea for a gangster name, a hero name, or a band name:

Ivan: i'm trying to come up with good gangster names. The only one i have so far is
Ivan: jimmy the foot
Amie: that doesn't really scare the crap out of me
Ivan: hahaha
Ivan: should it?
Amie: jimmy the contagious foot?
Amie: like you know how people freak over athletes foot
Ivan: gangrenous foot?
Amie: that works
Ivan: i always think of the random names i've heard
Ivan: tommy the chin
Amie: how about Ivan the terrible
Amie: doh! that one is taken
Ivan: ivan the terrible is taken!
Amie: ivan the horrible
Amie: ivan the stinky
Ivan: LOL
Ivan: stinky! oh no!
Ivan: ivan the horrible
Amie: i reckon your first name could go with anything, that is what is cool about being named ivan
Ivan: nice
Amie: that is taken damn
Ivan: that's a good one.
Ivan: taken?
Ivan: taken by what?
Ivan: by the actual hurricate i guess
Amie: si
Ivan: right. i remember. i killed many jamaicans
Amie: Ivan the tropical storm?
Amie: that's not gangster
Ivan: ivan the high pressure weather system.
Ivan: ivan the bastard
Ivan: ivan the purple nurpler
Amie: LOL
Amie: is a purple nurpler a weather event?
Ivan: depends on how powerful it is
Ivan: a very localized weather even
Amie: Ivan the black hole
Ivan: nice
Amie: now i'm beyond weather, i'm getting stellar
Amie: star-like
Ivan: i love it
Ivan: ivan the super nova
Amie: i like
Amie: although, now you sound like a superhero
Amie: not a gangster
Ivan: yeah. i do. i might have to fix that i guess
Ivan: i prefer being a superhero
Amie: me too
Amie: it's nicer
Amie: plus, you get really good looking girlfriends
Ivan: LOL
Amie: gangsters date tramps
Ivan: that's hilarious
Ivan: that's a great band name too
Ivan: gangsters date tramps
Amie: it would be good
Amie: i like
Ivan: i totally like
Amie: see, we're taking care of every category today
Ivan: it has to be done.